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Having an impact on another human being is either our greatest ability or our most unforgivable sin. Our interactions as well as our acts of neglect affect the well-being of all those who know us. From the miniscule to the monumental, whether positive or negative, our influence is never ending. Some impacts are forceful and instantaneous; others are subtle and take many years to be of any consequence.


With shooting tragedies such as those that occurred at Columbine High School, Virginia Tech, the theater in Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hook Elementary School, and no doubt others since this was written, we are realizing what troubled individuals are capable of doing, yet we struggle to understand their true motivation. We fail to acknowledge that the power of the unconscious mind is unyielding and almighty. It is a silent source of motivation, fueled by every ounce of input the senses can absorb. People, places, occurrences—they all affect us in some way.


In our darkest moments, our unconscious mind can trigger terrible willful acts or perhaps worse yet, it can guide us quietly to a tragic destiny, without our awareness.

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